Expert workshop on environmental sustainability of crops for bio-based products

An expert workshop on environmental sustainability of agricultural crops for bio-based industries in Europe was held last June in Marseille, France, as a side event of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE). The workshop was organized with the support of MIDAS and its sister project MarginUp. It was co-chaired by Maurizio Cocchi -ETA Florence and by Silvia Maltagliati – European Commission, Unit ‘Green transitions’ of the Directorate General Research & Innovation, Directorate Healthy Planet. 

The main aim of the workshop was to contribute to understanding the environmental impacts related to the supply of EU primary agricultural crops for industrial bio-based applications and collecting best practices of biomass provision ensuring the environmental sustainability of industrial bio-based systems.

A panel of experts from European research centers, universities and companies, discussed about the most used and most promising crops for industrial biorefineries, as well as he best practices to provide environmentally sustainable biomass from agricultural crops, for bio-based chemicals, materials and products. In addition to the experts, the event attracted over 40 EUBCE participants that contributed to a lively discussions. A detailed summary of the event is under preparation, the experts’s slides are available below:

Efthymia Alexopoulou – Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) Greece – slides

Ana Luisa Fernando – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal – slides

Iris Lewandowski – University of Hohenheim Germany – slides

Berien Elbersen – Wageningen University and Research The Netherlands – slides

Sylvain Marsac – Arvalis France – slides

Philip Grundmann – Leibniz Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie Germany – slides 1slides 2

Jerónimo Gonzales Cicytex Spain – slides

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