MIDAS Field Trials in Greece: Overcoming Challenges on Marginal Lands

Inspiring advancements are happening at our MIDAS intercropping demo field in Lechaina, Greece!

Located in the northeastern Peloponnese, this field is testing and demonstrating the resilience on marginal land of three annual non-edible industrial crops – sorghum, castor bean, and safflower – intercropped with perennial miscanthus strips.

The site presents challenges with sandy soil, low water availability, and stoniness, truly putting our crops to the test.

Despite facing extreme climatic conditions this year, with temperatures soaring above 40°C for over three weeks and a lack of rainfall, we’re happy to report that field adaptation and yields have been satisfactory so far, although some strategic irrigation has been crucial in ensuring crop survival.

Harvesting began in early August with safflower, followed by castor bean in mid-September. We anticipate completing sorghum harvest by the end of October and miscanthus by the end of the year. These trials are providing valuable insights into the potential of intercropping systems on marginal lands, even in the face of climate challenges.

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