We are happy to bring you the latest updates from MIDAS, an Innovation Action funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme, to combine bio-based products, climate resilience and biodiversity in marginal land through innovative agricultural value chains . 



Last June we visited the MIDAS demo field in Monterotondo, near Rome, which hosts a unique agroforestry system with poplar plantations and safflower. Learn more in this video.




The MIDAS project’s demo sites across Europe are in full activity this summer, here are a few snapshots we received from our partners of the intecropping trials in Italy, Germany and Spain.


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In June a panel of experts discussed about the environmental sustainability of agricultural crops for bio-based industries in Europe, in this workshop organized with the support of MIDAS and MarginUp projects.


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We're excited to announce the launch of a series of educational tutorials on Sustainable and Circular Business Models for Bio-Based Value Chains. Discover the first two modules.


Tutorial 1 - Introduction to the circular bioeconomy


Tutorial 2 - Preparing your Business Plan



At this year's EUBCE,

MIDAS partners showcased

a diverse range of project findings, covering everything from marginal land, to biodiversityenvironmental impacts, and value chains


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A recent paper published by MIDAS partners at the University of Hoenheim sheds light on the potential of crambe for the bioeconomy in southwest Germany.




A study published by MIDAS researchers at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, ITAP and CIEMAT investigates the potential of guayule as a source of valuable essential oils.


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MIDAS – Marginal land Industrial Crops and Innovative Biobased Value Chains, is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action started on 1 November 2022 that will continue through 31 October 2026.

Visit our website for more resources
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This project has received co-funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N° 101082070. Views are those of the authors, the sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.